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Art for some radio streams not updating #103

distler opened this Issue on 6 Jun · 45 comments


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distler commented on 6 Jun

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It's not clear to me that this is a upmpdcli problem, or an irresolvable problem with the MP3 stream.

[radio FIP (Paris)]
url = http://direct.fipradio.fr/live/fip-midfi.mp3
artUrl = http://www.fipradio.fr/sites/default/files/fip-quadri-filet.png
artScript = /usr/local/bin/fip_art.rb

The artScript fires once, when I start playing the stream, and then never again. So the song art displayed is the one associated with the first song playing when the stream started.

The result is the same in both Kazoo and Lumin, so I think it is not a CP problem.

Other radio streams, like

[radio KCRW Music]
url = http://kcrw.streamguys1.com/kcrw_192k_mp3_e24_internet_radio
artUrl = http://www.kcrw.com/music/shows/eclectic24/@@images/square_image
artScript = /usr/local/bin/kcrw_music_art.rb

do update the song art correctly, so my best guess is that upmpdcli is treating the FIP stream as one, infinitely-long, song.

A possible workaround would be a configuration option to re-fire the artScript at a user-defined interval, even if upmpdcli "thinks" the current song is still playing.

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distler changed the title from FIP Radio art not updating to Art for some radio streams not updating on 7 Jun

distler commented on 7 Jun

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Also of note: the latter stream displays title and artist for current song in the CP. The former stream does not. Another reason to think this is really a problem with the MP3 stream.

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serverbaboon commented on 7 Jun

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Looks like FIP doesn't have any metadata, the MPD status for that stream gives

{'pos': '0', 'file': 'http://direct.fipradio.fr/live/fip-midfi.mp3', 'id': '3'}

While the KCRW does seem to.

{'id': '6', 'pos': '0', 'name': 'KCRW E24', 'file': 'http://kcrw.streamguys1.com/kcrw_192k_mp3_e24_internet_radio', 'title': 'Little Dragon - Celebrate'}.

Can I ask do you webscrape the radio website most of the time to get the artwork or have you found other Radio stations besides RP who make it easy?

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distler commented on 7 Jun

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Oh. That's easy. The metadata (in JSON format) is available at this URL. Parsing it to obtain the album art is almost trivial:

require 'net/http'
require 'json'

uri = URI('http://www.fipradio.fr/livemeta/7')
response = Net::HTTP.get(uri)
songs = JSON.parse(response)['steps'].values
puts songs[songs.length-3]['visual']

The rest of the metadata (song title and artist) is there, too. If there were a way to plug that into upmpdcli ...

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distler commented on 7 Jun

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Perhaps a good solution would be to generalize (replace or augment) artScript to a more general script which would return the metadata (title, artwork, ...) associated to the currently playing song.

All of the fields would be optional and any which are absent would be replaced by the corresponding in-band metadata (or the artUrl), if present.

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serverbaboon commented on 7 Jun

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Thanks, your ruby looks better than my python scratchings,

I have found that it can be such a pain tracking down the data for each station, so far xml for RP, json for Linn and webscrape for Naim an d most annoying for me no metadata on BBC streams.

I think (will have to look) upmpdcli passes the url to MPD which does the decoding and upmpdcli pulls back from MPD that current playing status and if MPD does not have artist and track in the file field (for http radio stream) then it cannot trigger the script as there is never a change.

I have mostly working Python script that will do a gracenote lookup for none artwork publishing stations, however since it checks the current mpd song status it still fails as stations that don't have the metadata in the stream.

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distler commented on 7 Jun edited

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I have found that it can be such a pain tracking down the data for each station, so far xml for RP, json for Linn and webscrape for Naim an d most annoying for me no metadata on BBC streams.

Finding the URL for the metadata is pretty challenging. But, when I find it, parsing is usually easy (it's either JSON or XML).

... if MPD does not have artist and track in the file field (for http radio stream) then it cannot trigger the script as there is never a change.

That's certainly the symptom I was seeing. Which was why my first suggestion was simply to have an option to re-fire the script at some user-defined interval.

As to obtaining the rest of the metadata, here's a trivial modification to the above script, which returns a JSON object with the metadata about the currently playing song

require 'net/http'
require 'json'

uri = URI('http://www.fipradio.fr/livemeta/7')
response = Net::HTTP.get(uri)
songs = JSON.parse(response)['steps'].values
song = songs[songs.length-3]
metadata = {'title' => song['title'],
           'artist' => song['performers'], 'artUrl' => song['visual']}
puts JSON.generate(metadata)
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serverbaboon commented on 7 Jun

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mmm suppose it is a question of what sort of time, not short and not too long that half the song has the wrong image.

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distler commented on 7 Jun edited

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In the case of the above stream, I can tell you exactly when to refire the script:

require 'net/http'
require 'json'

uri = URI('http://www.fipradio.fr/livemeta/7')
response = Net::HTTP.get(uri)
songs = JSON.parse(response)['steps'].values
now = Time.now
metadata = {}
songs.each do |song|
  song_end = Time.at(song['end'])
  if (song_end >= now && Time.at(song['start']) <= now)
    metadata = {'title' => song['title'], 'artist' => song['performers'],
       'artUrl' => song['visual'], 'reload' => (song_end - now + 1).to_i}
puts JSON.generate(metadata)

The reload parameter is the number of seconds you should wait before refiring the script.

For other streams, I might not be so lucky and might have to guess (say, something like "reload":30).

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serverbaboon commented on 7 Jun

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Dynamic refresh times based on the return values, interesting , bit beyond my fumblings. I think you maybe lucky on the FIP json data to get the running time Linn Radio and Radio Paradise don't seem to have it.

I'll wait to see what medoc says with interest, he looks busy at the moment, looking at the repositories.

Now if only the BBC opened up their meta data......

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distler commented on 7 Jun

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Dynamic refresh times based on the return values, interesting ...

Just trying to be as flexible as possible. The script could just as well return the same number each time (for streams that don't provide the relevant information).

Now if only the BBC opened up their meta data......

If they do, let me know. I would love to add that information. :-)

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medoc92 commented 29 days ago

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It's very nice to have somebody else do the thinking, I would very much like this to happen more often !

You are right about how things currently work: upmpdcli polls mpd for stream metadata (mpd extracts it from streams where it is embedded, look up Icy-Metadata for more info). If the artist or title changed, it fires the art script. Some radios do not embed Icy-Metadata (this does seem to be the case for the FIP stream), so the script is only executed once, when starting up.

Your idea of a script which would retrieve all metadata and also send back an update interval is a good solution to this issue.

I am a bit dubious about JSON though. It's not a problem for the C++ code, because it already uses a JSON package for talking to the streaming services modules. However, the quoting rules will be a bit more complicated than those for the upmpdcli config format (which only needs escaping newlines). This could be an issue for someone writing a shell script. OTOH any radio providing this data is probably going to do it in JSON... (thinking aloud...). So, yes, JSON.

Adding this to the TODO I guess, it should not be very complicated, I hope I can do it soon, it's a nice idea.

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distler commented 29 days ago

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Some radios do not embed Icy-Metadata (this does seem to be the case for the FIP stream), so the script is only executed once, when starting up.

Your idea of a script which would retrieve all metadata and also send back an update interval is a good solution to this issue.

Obviously, the in-band Icy-Metadata, if present, should take precedence.

This could be an issue for someone writing a shell script. OTOH any radio providing this data is probably going to do it in JSON... (thinking aloud...). So, yes, JSON.

I'm not wedded to JSON output. I can replace

puts JSON.generate(metadata)


metadata.each {|key,value| puts "#{key}: #{value}"}

I just assumed that, on the receiving end, JSON would be easier to parse.

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medoc92 commented 27 days ago edited

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JSON is fine I think. I wrote a quick implementation, seems to work, but I'd appreciate some testing.

Doc here: https://www.lesbonscomptes.com/upmpdcli/pages/upmpdcli-manual.html#radio-definitions

The git libupnpp seems to crash, use 0.15.2 for now (this has nothing to do with the radio thing).

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distler commented 27 days ago edited

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I don't recommend the version, above, of the Ruby script that I wrote. Here's one which doesn't rely on the order of the conversion from a hash to an array of values (lousy programming practice):

require 'net/http'
require 'json'

uri = URI('http://www.fipradio.fr/livemeta/7')
response = Net::HTTP.get(uri)
songs = JSON.parse(response)['steps'].values
now = Time.now
songs.each do |song|
  song_end = Time.at(song['end'])
  if (song['embedType'] == 'song' && song_end >= now && Time.at(song['start']) <= now)
    metadata = {'title' => song['title'].split.collect{|s| s.capitalize}.join(' '),
               'artist' => song['performers'].split.collect{|s| s.capitalize}.join(' '),
               'artUrl' => song['visual'],
               'reload' => (song_end - now + 1).to_i}
    puts JSON.generate(metadata)

(It also converts the Artist and Title metadata from ALL CAPS, which is more pleasing to my eyes.)

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medoc92 commented 27 days ago

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Ok. I replaced it in the manual.

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distler commented 27 days ago

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As to testing, I'm sorry to say that I'll be traveling for the next 3 weeks (leaving in an hour), and won't be anywhere near my Rpi streamer. Hopefully someone else will be able to provide more timely feedback.

Thanks for implementing this!

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medoc92 commented 27 days ago

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No hurry of any kind really, it will still be there in 3 weeks :)

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serverbaboon commented 25 days ago

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Just to be clear in my head if we cannot return a reload time do we return a null value or not return the key value pair at all?

"title":"The title of the current track",
"artist":"The artist playing",

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medoc92 commented 25 days ago

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Don't set it (the default will be 10S).

But use the code I just pushed because things did not work well with reload not set in the previous version.

Of course, you can also set it to the default of 10S or any value of your choice (not too small !)

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serverbaboon commented 25 days ago

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After struggling trying to understand Ruby , whatever FIP is doing with their metadata and my beginner status I managed to get some success.

I ended up using another FIP station as the one Jacques uses goes into periods of no metadata update for some programs or podcasts which confused me for a while.

I said some success ...

On my older windows Linn Kazoo artwork, artist and title all display correctly.
On my Windows uplay 1.2.7 artist and title are correct but no artwork.
On my Android 7 phone Kazoo title and artwork are ok but the artist is displayed as the title.

I attached a sample from the log, I emailed you the full log, one thing I noticed as that the reload calc needs some allowance for the radio station metadata update on the website as you will be able to see the are several calls of the script running returning a negative reload time. I guess maybe adding 10 secs to the calculated reload time in the script is required before returning the value. I noticed that Jacques does add 1 in his script.

I did notice that Kazoo updates the picture for the current playing track before the FIP website does :-)

:4:src/execmd-fixed.cpp:457::ExecCmd::startExec: (0|1) /usr/local/bin/fips.py 
:5:src/netcon-fixed.cpp:277::Netcon::selectloop: fd 15 has 0x0 mask, erasing
:5:src/execmd-fixed.cpp:815::ExecCmd::doexec: selectloop returned 0
:4:src/execmd-fixed.cpp:981::ExecCmd::wait: got status 0x0
:5:src/ohradio.cxx:234::OHRadio::makestate: metaScript got: [{"reload": 164, "artist": "HOT SUGAR", "artUrl": "https://www.francebleu.fr/s3/cruiser-production/2016/11/842f64cf-cb87-4939-9291-e4a717711f45/400x400_rf_omm_0000919160_dnc.0057894902.jpg", "title": "THE KID WHO DROWNED AT SUMMER CAMP"}

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distler commented 24 days ago

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The early version of the script had several defects. The last version that I posted corrects those and

  • Will never return a negative reload value.
  • Fixes the capitalization of the artist and title values (so that they're not ALL-CAPS).

I suggest trying that version of the script instead of the one you're using.

You're right that FIPS doesn't provide useful metadata for their late-night (Paris time) shows. In those cases, the current version of the script returns nothing (so the upmpdcli defaults will be used).

I guess maybe adding 10 secs to the calculated reload time in the script is required before returning the value. I noticed that Jacques does add 1 in his script.

I think the current version of the script also addresses this timing issue, but you could try changing the 1 to a 5 if it doesn't.

Again, apologies that I am traveling and can't help in the testing myself.

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medoc92 commented 24 days ago

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I just pushed an update to the c++ which guards against very small or negative reload times.

By the way, I've known for some time that there is an issue in upplay about updating the current song metadata, I think mostly for the 1st track played. I intend to look into it, this has nothing to do with the radio art script, but may explain the upplay issue above. As for mixing artist and title, I have no idea what could do this...

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distler commented 24 days ago

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Also, I suppose it would be good to test that this all works with radio stations which have in-band metadata, e.g.:

[radio Radio Paradise]
url = http://stream-uk1.radioparadise.com/mp3-192
artUrl = http://www.radioparadise.com/graphics/fb_logo.png
metaScript = /usr/local/bin/rp_meta.rb
require 'open-uri'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'json'

doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open('http://radioparadise.com/xml/now.xml'))
song_end = Time.at(doc.at('refresh_time').content.to_i)
metadata ={'title'  => doc.at('title').content,
           'artist' => doc.at('artist').content,
           'artUrl' => doc.at('coverart').content,
           'reload' => (song_end - Time.now + 1).to_i}
puts JSON.generate(metadata)
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serverbaboon commented 24 days ago

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@distler My PI does not have Ruby installed so using Python as I am trying to learn it, I am afraid that learning Ruby on top of Python and also a little French (Metadata) could actually cause important brain function to shutdown. :-). Hadn't realised that Radio Paradise also published the timings, that would have saved some pain. Found FIP electro station does provide constant metadata, however may switch to the Radio Paradise testing.

Was really meaning that the script implementer should take account, but defensive programming it good. I also tried Bubble DS and the that showed the same title/artist issue, but I have given up on Bubble as they are falling behind the times. I will see if I can raise it with the Kazoo developers

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distler commented 24 days ago

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My PI does not have Ruby installed...

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-json

Not that I don't like the idea of someone rewriting these in Python, but being able to compare the output with the (known to work) Ruby version might prove useful.

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serverbaboon commented 24 days ago edited

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mmm ok.

I have had string issues before with Android not liking a url string but windows was ok, Turned out that the Linn Radio art urls needed some spaces converting to %20 before Android would accept the url.

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serverbaboon commented 24 days ago

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No difference with the Ruby version, I used the FiP Electro station and same symptoms. I will try and get Kazoo to produce some logs. Think it might be charset/string related going off a previous issue but not sure.


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serverbaboon commented 24 days ago edited

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Regarding the -ve or 0 value reload times the FIP meta data has the next track details listed, so amended my script as below, I have shoved a couple more variables than necessary as I am still trying to work out what to do with the FIP Paris variable metadata with multiple "levels" and deal with a couple of error conditions.

(nothing really to do with the Kazoo issue though)

Anyway the current playing track is '3' and the next track is '4'


# Metadata URL is JSON data with the previous three tracks, the current track and
# the next track, to avoid -ve reload times also get the next track and use that if
# necessary.

import urllib2 , json , time

FipUrl = 'http://www.fipradio.fr/livemeta/74'
StreamInfo = urllib2.urlopen ( FipUrl )

try: StreamData = json.loads  ( str ( StreamInfo.read() ) )
except: StreamData = None

# print json.dumps ( StreamData , indent=4)

MetaIndex = len ( StreamData ["levels"] ) - 1
TrackIndex = StreamData ["levels"][MetaIndex]["position"]
TrackId = StreamData ["levels"][MetaIndex]["items"][TrackIndex]

# Get Details of Next Track if in case reload time is < 0
NextTrackId = StreamData ["levels"][MetaIndex]["items"][TrackIndex+1]

if 'steps' in StreamData:
  if 'visual' in StreamData ["steps"][TrackId]:
    TimeNow =  int(time.time())
    EndTime = StreamData ["steps"][TrackId]["end"]
    if EndTime > TimeNow:
      ImageUrl = StreamData ["steps"][TrackId]["visual"]
      Title = StreamData ["steps"][TrackId]["title"]
      Performers = StreamData ["steps"][TrackId]["performers"]
      ReloadTime = EndTime - TimeNow
      ImageUrl = StreamData ["steps"][NextTrackId]["visual"]
      Title = StreamData ["steps"][NextTrackId]["title"]
      Performers = StreamData ["steps"][NextTrackId]["performers"]
      EndTime = StreamData ["steps"][NextTrackId]["end"]
      ReloadTime = EndTime - TimeNow

  MetaData = {"title":Title,"artist":Performers,"artUrl":ImageUrl,"reload":ReloadTime }
  print json.dumps (MetaData)

  MetaData = {"title":"FIPS Electro","artist":"None","artUrl":"","reload":"" }
  print json.dumps (MetaData)

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serverbaboon commented 20 days ago edited

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Ignore the above, it actually relies to much on someone being consistent in the way they publish their metadata. It seems to be foolish to display the last three tracks, the current playing track and the next track to then for periods of the day not bother updating the next track.

Infos non disponibles....groan.

backup to looping or using position '3' and adding 15 for the reload time.

WIll try and contact Linn see if they will look at it, there was a recent fix to Kazoo that looks suspicious, they at least might tell me how to generate the logs correctly as they are not generating for me.

They fixed this in a recent update and my older working Windows does not have the fix.
"Fixed artist label not showing when artist and album are named the same"

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serverbaboon commented 19 days ago

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Definitely an issue with the latest version, I have just updated a working windows version to the latest version in the Windows App Store and it has now stopped working correctly. So if you haven't already updated to the June Release (andriod ) or (IOS) then DON'T.

I have emailed Linn from inside the Kazoo Android Application to see if they will look at this.

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serverbaboon commented 17 days ago

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I have another Radio station where this no artwork, should I pass back a null value or perhaps the station logo address (from the conf file) ?

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medoc92 commented 17 days ago

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I think that returning an empty string should work. Upmpdcli will then use the station static art automatically.

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distler commented 17 days ago

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Just on principle, I would not return anything for a particular field if the radio station doesn't supply a value for it. (That is, key='"" is notionally different from key being absent from JSON response.)

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medoc92 commented 17 days ago

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You are right in principle, but I was worried that the c++ code would discard the whole packet. Actually it doesn't so you are also right in practise :)

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serverbaboon commented 17 days ago

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I have had a response back from Linn suggesting that the latest versions of Kazoo indeed have an issue with open home renderer's after about version 4.8.1200 (on Windows at least). They have no timetable for a fix. I have not tried Lumin on the ipad. So while the artwork can update there may still be an issue with Artist and Title until Linn fix Kazoo or Bubble get on board for and support Dynamic for metadata perhaps the one person using the feature on Android :-).

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distler commented 7 days ago

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Well, I'm back. Looks like in my absence version 1.2.15 was released, including this functionality.

In my (limited) testing (I really just got back this afternoon), it seems to work well.

The only defect I see is that (using Lumin and Linn Kazoo) the title is displayed twice

Tous Mourus
Tous Mourus
FIP (Paris)

rather than (as I was expecting): title + artist

Tous Mourus
Jean Louis Murat
FIP (Paris)

On closer inspection, the latter appears fleetingly, when the song changes, but is quickly replaced by the former. Very strange ...

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serverbaboon commented 7 days ago

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Another interesting thing is occasionally FIPS seems to slip a 'name' into the Radio stream.

So I am playing FIPS Electro and MPD has this.

{'id': '15', 'name': 'FIP webradio8 back', 'file': 'http://direct.fipradio.fr/live/fip-webradio8.mp3', 'pos': '0'}

My script in debug mode produces:
Stream http://direct.fipradio.fr/live/fip-webradio8.mp3
META http://www.fipradio.fr/livemeta/74

and for the sake of completeness the JSON output of Distler's script (url modified)

{"reload": 110, "artist": "DAVID BYRNE", "artUrl": "https://www.francebleu.fr/s3/cruiser-production/2017/01/82f766b0-1c88-420d-a2d8-683410ebbbba/400x400_rf_omm_0000186629_dnc.0057775485.jpg", "title": "DANCE ON VASELINE (T.C REMIX)"}

Kazoo displays the artwork and briefly the Artist and Title then Displays Radio, the 'name' field from MPD and does not update the artwork after that.

It looks like:
a) FIPS have started (or occasionally) putting a 'name' metadata tag in the stream.
b) Either I need new glasses or something has changed but so that the Title and Artist appears before being replaced by Title & Title. (suspect glasses)

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serverbaboon commented 7 days ago edited

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Just checked another non metadata metastream for a Hi Res Flac stream for Jbradio2 it has the name tag'

This gives the below from an MPD Status check
{'id': '46', 'name': 'JB Radio-2', 'file': '', 'pos': '0'}

Executing my script (horrendous webscrape) pulls back the artwork Title and Artist (no time) giving a json output of

{"reload": 10, "artist": "Blaudzun", "artUrl": "https://jbradio2.ca/images/covers/Heavy%20Flowers.jpg", "title": "We Both Know"}

Kazoo briefly displays everything correctly , then Changes to displaying

JB Radio-2 ---> 'name' from mpd
JB Radio-2 Flac ---> My name from UPMPDCLI conf file entry.

Is this UPMPDCLI taking the 'name' entry from MPD and changing its status to a Radio Station for a control client?

Maybe if a metascript is specified it should take precedence over the mpd data?

Not sure if this is expected behaviour but if you change the radio station without stopping the previous stream I am not sure the script is executing, it certainly does not seem to update artwork.

I doesn't help when we know Kazoo currently has some ohradio issues non linn ohome players.

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medoc92 commented 6 days ago

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I have added a preferScript parameter to the radio block: it says to ignore Icy metadata (from mpd) if we have a script.

[radio FIP (Paris)]
url = http://direct.fipradio.fr/live/fip-midfi.mp3
artUrl = http://www.fipradio.fr/sites/default/files/fip-quadri-filet.png
metaScript = /usr/local/bin/fipmeta.rb
preferScript = 1

This seems to fix the fleetingness of the real metadata for me.

In other news, I am in the process of migrating all my projects to a different server:

The onsite interface is much less convenient than the one on Github, but it's in Europe and so closer to my heart. For the moment, I'll push updates to both github and opensourceprojects.eu, but the primary is already the European one.

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distler commented 6 days ago edited

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Wow, getting in on the ground floor ("browse projects" yields 3 pages of entries, of which upmpdcli is on page 3)!

Do you want bugs reported here, or do you want to move your bug-tracking to opensourceprojects.eu as well?

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medoc92 commented 6 days ago

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Yes I know :) but the admins affirm that the site is alive. In any case, it's easy enough to move a git repo around if things don't turn out well... I was looking for a European github, and did not find much, which is a bit of a shame given the amount of open-source work which is actually done in Europe. opensourceprojects.eu is the closest I found.

If you want to give the ticket manager a try, you can have first post :) But the last thing I want is inconvenience people. Having to clone from a different repo seems reasonable, but if the issue tracker is too bad, it becomes a problem. We'll see :)

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serverbaboon commented 5 days ago edited

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Ok the latest version stops the brief appearance before reverting but now back to
Conf Radio Name.

I wonder if Kazoo can handle Artist in the Meta? the ohome website only says the below are guaranteed to be available.

Given a channel preset Id, return its associated metadata. The metadata will be of the form

<DIDL-Lite xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"
    <item id="" parentID="" restricted="True">
        <res protocolInfo="*:*:*:*" bitrate="6000">[track url]</res>
        <upnp:albumArtURI>[image url]</upnp:albumArtURI>
Note that additional elements may be present. The elements listed above are guaranteed to be present. The contents of all elements will be XML escaped.

Trying to understand where the name field in the stream that appears in the upmpdcli to see what happens if 'name' is sent back with artist value, but head now hurts.

However I have changed my scripts to return my title in the same format as MPD does so my script returns:

{"reload": 10, "artUrl": "https://jbradio2.ca/images/covers/az_1236_Ten%20Summoner's%20Tales%20(Jewel%20Box)_Sting.jpg", "title": "Sting - Fields Of Gold"}

This now means that the I now get Artist and Song Title displayed like it would if icy meta data existed (twice :-) ) but I at least I now can see the artists name for tracks I don't recognise.

If only Linn would fix Kazoo to give us a known starting point.

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serverbaboon commented 5 days ago edited

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Sorry forgot to emphasise nothing needs to change until Linn fix Kazoo as my old Windows version of Kazoo works correctly

Conf Radio.

Was just saying that to get Kazoo on my tablet or phone to give useful info I have amended my scripts to give an MPD/ICE Meta style title field.

Interestingly BubbleDS only displays title ( never mind no artwork) so maybe the ohradio is not as complete as Kazoo's.

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distler commented 8 hours ago

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preferScript = 1 does fix the problem dodgy Icy Metadata (leading to blank Title and Artist on FIP). But I'm still seeing


appearing and then being replaced by


This happens for the first song played. The subsequent songs all appear immediately as


I'm a little mystified as to why the behaviour changes from the first song to subsequent ones. But that does seem to be reproducible (and happens with both Lumin and Kazoo CPs)

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distler commented 8 hours ago

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Hmm. I think this is a bug (coincidentally in both Lumin and Kazoo).

If you tap on the Album Art in Lumin, it goes to full-screen and displays both Title and Artist correctly. So it's definitely receiving the correct information. Unfortunately, in the standard views (aside from that full-screen one), it's displaying that information incorrectly.

I don't think there's anything you can do to fix this. I wish Lumin had a public issue-tracker...

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