SQLScreens screenhots.

A simple screen generated for the mysql db table

simple screen

And the code for this:

package require sqlsc

set dbar(window) .db
set dbar(database) mysql
set dbar(table) db
sqlscreen dbar

The same in row-column fashion

Row column example

And the code for this:

package require sqlsc

set dbar(window) .db
set dbar(database) mysql
set dbar(table) db
set dbar(columns) {
    host \n
    user db \n
    select_priv insert_priv update_priv \n
    delete_priv create_priv drop_priv
sqlscreen dbar

A more complicated screen with several linked tables and menu entries

The code for this is in the "wines.tcl" sample application. It is about 290 lines long, and it exercises almost all features in the package.

a more complicated example