v00d00 writes


I was thinking of implementing notification support.

Would be it OK to use libnotify directly? Or does it need to be cross platform?

Also, thanks for the app, its awesome.

medoc92 writes


This is a great idea, but upplay needs to build under Windows, so some kind of encapsulation (and/or conditional compilation) is definitely in order (it is not necessary that notifications will work under Windows, but the software must build)

v00d00 writes

Thanks for letting me know, I will use https://github.com/KDE/snorenotify.

medoc92 writes

This looks nice, but it’s not packaged at least by Ubuntu , so please make sure that everything is conditionally included, I’m not sure that either you and me wants to package this lib ( I don’t :) )

To be frank, I think that the right approach would be to execute an external command: it’s not like state changes that often, and this would make it fully dynamic: the command is either present or not at run time, no build-time issues.

medoc92 writes